Teams of the Decades

Peter Peck
Tony Corr
Neil Bencraft
Earl Peck
Kevin Harvey
Grant Bell
John Breanan
Alex Short
Dave Cousins
Brian Quinn
Gary Harvey
Gerry Dibbs

Terry Brooks
James Breanan
John McDonald
James Read
Terry Downie
Paul Schwarze
Kevin Harvey
Tony Grant
Noel Boyd
Wayne Thomas
Brian Bridger

Jon Burggraaff
Keith Unwin
Bruce Whalebone
Chris Alagiozidis
John McDonald
Gerard Burgess
John Favier
Pete Burgess
Lex Marshall
Adrian Coates
Mark Flahive
Bob Paton

Josh Rowe
Chris Bilston
Denis Bilston
Fletcher Humphrys
Steve Dewhurst
Colin Laity
Rohan Capes
Michael Flahive
Justin Bridger
Michael Chandler
Mark Laity
John Phillips

Devin Byrne-Murray
Josh Rowe
Winton Corr
Kristian McInerney
Daniel Higginbotham
Robert Ridgway
Aaron Hammond
Patrick Campion
Michael Flahive
Kim Stewart
Ted Deal
Shane O'Brien